Saturday, January 23, 2010

Our Dad's Birthday!

My Dad had his (blank) birthday yesterday. We had a little party with just our family. We played wii, watched old tv shows on hulu, and ate a yummy dinner of shake 'n' bake chicken. Thanks Mom. Happy Birthday DAD!

Pictures of Cousins!

Me and Natalie ice skating.Me, Natalie, Joshua, and Eli ice skating.
Me, Natalie, Eli, Joshua, Ethan and ColeMaking Valentines

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I guess you all would want an update since about a week ago. Well we are getting ready for company tomorrow. Our cousins from California are coming and our cousins from Dupont are coming! It is going to be a busy three day weekend! Woohoo! Everybody in our family is well and school is going great for everybody!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The brothers

They are still sick. Eli will probably go to school tomorrow but Ethan will stay home. They have been just laying around while I had to go to practice and school. They are sooooooooooooooo lucky!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Scoop the Poop! A dog story

You may know this but you may not know this. Me and my brothers really want a dog. So we were really excited when our aunt and uncle brought their puppy, Jada, with them when they came to visit. I loved her so much! So my parents said that I could have scoop-the-poop duty. Of course my brothers were just laughing and laughing. So I went outside and looked for the poop. I couldn't find any. So I went inside and said I could not find any poop to scoop. My parents said ok and thanks for trying. The next day my dad came inside and said" Oh Emma I think I found the poop."  So maybe I did really find the poop and decide not to scoop it or maybe I was telling the truth.The world will never know (but trust me I didn't see any) .
jadame and jada

Pictures of Christmas Break

Cousins                                                                                 Cousins Forever!
jamma buds

Figuring out the blog

Have you ever tried to make a blog? It is quite confusing. I don't know all the parts yet so I am getting some help so I can make this the best blog ever!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be adding new parts on the blog as soon as I figure out how to add another page. I will add a blog about me and Ethan is going to add a page about him too. But on his page it may look like I am doing it because he is probably going to use my profile. So don't get confused.

Here is my face when I am confused about blogging. :)

Back at School

I don't know how you're first day back at school went but mine was plain old school. Nothing interesting happened except I had my first basketball meeting and I don't know anything about b-ball.I have to get up really early tomorrow and go to practice. The boys stayed home sick today and have been watching movies pretty much all day. I hope I won't get sick.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

What's Happening Today? The Daily Update

School starts today and I have basketball. The boys are still a little sick but will hopefully get better. I will find out who is my new band teacher because my old band teacher retired because of health problems.


During this break we have had a lot of get togethers with friends. The Thrapps and the Springers came over and then the next day the Abbotts came over. Yesterday we went sledding with Quinn and Connor Rounds and Claire Goveia. They are all really fun to be with!

cell phone deciding

Yesterday when I was with my friend Claire I watched her text and call people if she needed to. That sparked an idea in my head. What if I got a phone? So I asked my parents if I could get one. They said if I got one I would have to pay for it. So we looked into it and I found the cell phone of my dreams. The LG Neon. It was the coolest cell phone I had ever seen and I could afford it. So me and my dad are going to go to the store after church and look at it and see if I like it. So you never know if sometime you will get a phone call from Emma's new cell phone!

Our Christmas Vacation

This winter break we were quite busy. We had christmas with the Baxters on Christmas Eve and Christmas with the Taylors on Dec. 30th. We played wii a lot (which is no surprise). On New Year's eve us kids played in the snow for three hours when it was dark with our cousin Joshua. We all stayed up till 12 and we watched the ball drop in New York. We are sad that tomorrow we have to go back to school. Yesterday we went sledding with the Rounds and Claire Goveia up on Squilchuck. It was a bunch of fun!