Friday, July 16, 2010

Camping Trip!

Wow I have not posted anything for a while!!!! We just got back from a camping trip on Sunday and it was very exciting!!! Well first I will start on the way over. We were driving along and everything was going great. Until I smelled something really disgusting!! I told everyone "Something smells like dog food!" Then Ethan added in, "ROTTEN dog food!!" I started looking around for poop oh and by the way our dog Owen was with us. But I found something much worse!! Doggy throwup!! I almost threw up too when I saw it!! My dad immediately pulled over and cleaned it up. It smelled soooo bad that for the rest of the way everone was plugging their nose!!  When we got there we started unloading our stuff at one campsite but we found a better campsite where you could just walk across the street to the beach. So we set up camp. Owen was being a very good dog but was having trouble adjusting to his new leash that we got him. See Owen likes to be by everyone and he likes to make sure he can see all of us. So we were setting up our tent and owen was tied to the table. He tried to walk over to us but he couldnt. So he started barking so LOUD!! I had to go over there and pet him. After we set up camp us kids went to the beach. Our favorite thing to do at Fort Casey is find crabs! We always bring our buckets and fill them up with water and put some seaweed and rocks in them. Next we go around and lift up all the rocks we can. Then we grab the crabs before they can manage to pinch us. By the way crab pinches dont hurt unless it is a humomgo crab!! After that we let them go. Well at least me and Ethan do. Eli takes his bucket and climbs up the rocks to our campsite. Then he went around and asked us what you have to feed crabs. None of us really knew so he grabbed some peanuts and put them in the water. He thought they were eating it but the biggest one was just attacking it!! The next day we went to the beach for 2 hours. Then we went to the fort batteries. We call them bunkers and explored the tunnels. We were going walk back to our site on the beach but we had only walked a few steps when my mom saw something in the water. It turned out to be a porpoise!! It was really cool to watch them. The next day we took the ferry to Port Townsend. We drove to Fort Worden from there. We hiked up to the bunkers and then headed for the beach. It was really hot out!! The sand was too hot to touch!! After Fort Worden we went back to Port Townsend and got some ice cream.  On the ferry guess what?? We saw more porpoises!!  When we got back to Fort Casey  we read and waited for my grandparents to come. The next day we took the fairy again to Port Townsend to explore the shops. Well thats what me, my mom, and my grandma did. The boys went  to a restaraunt where they could watch the world cup!! We rode the ferry back and got more ice cream!! That night I slept in the motorhome because I had a cold and hadnt slept too well in the tent. The next morning we were awoken by fog horns and sirens. I immediately thought TSUNAMI!! But then I looked outside and saw that it was really foggy. My brother Ethan came in and said it was FREEZING outside.That morning we had a quick breakfast, packed up and left. Oh and by the time we were ready to leave all of Eli's crabs had died. On the way home Owen threw up about 3 times. Everyone was ready to be home!! It was a great camping trip!!